Julia/Julius is another family/Clan name. If his name has to be Marius Titus his sister can not be Julia. His sisters name is Julia (from the Machinima web series). It would be like calling a character Jones Peter instead of Peter Jones. Marius is a Clan or family name and Titus is a first name.
Roman naming conventions can get complicated so I wont go into detail but the name should be the other way around Titus Marius not Marius Titus. Note I am not talking about the more obvious fantastical elements like the scenery raising out of the ground in the colosseum the way it dose ( though this is based in historical fact but enhanced) I am talking about simple things that if you don't know you cold walk away with the wrong Idea of ancient Rome during this period. I am really looking forward to Ryse: Son of Rome but as a life long student of ancient Rome I thought I would share some of the glaring historical inaccuracies that I have seen in the trailers and the Machinima web series and that are a little grating for anyone who has studied the ancient Romans.